ACE Ceres-Merced EIR

Benefits of the Project include:

  • Enhanced commuter and intercity passenger rail and transit access and connectivity in the San Joaquin Valley.
  • Additional passenger rail service to areas with no service or very limited service.
  • Support of transit-oriented development near proposed station locations.
  • Opportunity to connect with the future high-speed rail in Merced.
  • Creation of new transportation alternatives to automobile use, which would alleviate traffic on congestion roads and highways in the region, including SR-99, I-205, I-580, I-680,
    and |-880.
  • Increased air quality and the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  • Long-term health benefits for ACE riders, and for residents and employees along the ACE
    corridor as a result of reduced emissions.
  • Promotion of local and regional land use and transportation planning sustainability goals and initiatives.
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